The Professionals Who Provide Nursing Care At Your Home
We offer reliable and convenient healthcare services in New Jersey.
Offering Family Health Support in New Jersey Since 2010
Welcome to Stay Well Pediatric
"To the WORLD you may be ONE PERSON, but to ONE PERSON you may be the WORLD..." Heather Cortez
We Provide World Class Pediatric Services & Adult and Private Duty Nursing
Our mission is to change and improve the quality of our clients' lives through highly skilled and compassionate nursing care. Stay Well Services believes that it takes a special person with more than just clinical skills to care for our clients' individual needs. We stress partnership with the patient, family, physician, and the community. We hire and train our nurses to ensure the best quality of care and to provide comfort and safety to our clients
Our goal is to provide a variety of health, therapeutic, and social services designed to serve the specialized needs of functionally impaired clients.
Stay Well Services, Inc. is a nurses owned and operated, community-based company guided by high standards. We bring over 30 years overall of personalized and committed service to the pediatric and adult special needs populations. Our education, training, and experience in all facets of hospital and home care pediatric and adult nursing allow us to offer the highest quality of care to each of our clients and families.

Pediatric Services Overview
Our agency is aimed to help to remain in the community to those who qualify for institutional care or return to the community from rehabilitation centers and hospitals. Services are provided in their homes, communities, and school settings (for pediatric clients) as an alternative to placing these clients in nursing care facilities.
We offer high quality skilled nursing services and high tech care ranging from short term recovery to ongoing care. Our Private Duty Nursing Services are available for your loved one’s in home setting for adults. For pediatric clients we service in both home and school settings. We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Experienced Nursing Supervisors (RNs) are responsible for hiring, training, and supervising our nursing staff to ensure your loved one’s safety and comfort. High skilled nursing care services are individualized and comprehensive based on the medical diagnosis, medical condition, required level of care and number of one-on-one hours the patient will need according to patient's individual plan of care.